Friday, May 29, 2009


I found this video that explains the life they deal with, in this video you see an image of the destruction of there homes, that are already very weak. Then as you look father into the video it shows a young family who have a young child that is suffering a common illness but since there is no medicine or antibiotics to cure them they must tough out the illness, cause if they don't there is a likely chance they will die.

They families are usually very large compared to most in Canada which makes it even hareder for them to survive with slim to no food or clean drinking water.
We need to do something now, if we want to change things in the future.

Now please enjoy.

leave a comment, let me know what you think of the video.

Today I will be talking about the many sad stories the the young children in Africa face each and every day.

This first story is about a young girl who works all day when she is handicapped and can't work well be herself but since she needs to work to make her life a little better she must work anyways.

Nodira is one of five children in a poor family. Every morning, after saying her prayers, she feeds the hens and goats from her wheelchair. The rest of her day is spent knitting for other people and helping her mother with the household chores.

Nodira has never been to school because it is too far from her home and she can't go because the schools in Africa are not wheelchair accessible. A local teacher used to come and tutor her at home and, as a result, she was able to finish third grade. After that, her parents moved to another town and the tutor was no longer able to come and visit her.

So after reading a story from a young child who is going through a extreme poverty then why wouldn't you want to help.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today I will be talking about the cold hard facts of the young children in Africa.
Some of them are sad to hear about but I know that if we don't hear these facts we will never learn how to fix them.

- 315 million people – one in two of people in Sub Saharan Africa survive on less than one dollar per day. I know that I spend more then one dollar a day to live and I sure that many others would agree with me, so we must donate and encourage others to do the same.

- 184 million people – 33% of the African population – suffer from malnutrition. What is malnutrition ? well its the biggest problem is in Africa where half of all children are undernourished, and not getting the proper and healthy things to eat.

- And this problem isn't just going to go away, in fact it has now reached over 20 different countries.

- Many of us think that the telephone and Internet is considered a luxury but many of the children are not able to communicate with their loved ones.

- Less than one person out of five has electricity. Out of 1.000 inhabitants 15 have a telephone line, and 7,8 out of 1.000 people surf on Internet.

WHY would you turn your back on them ?

This video shows the facts of those young children in Africa.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hello and Welcome.

HIV/AIDS continues to increase - 70 per cent of all new infections in the world.

More than 140 million children in sub-Saharan Africa live in extreme poverty. Approximately one third of households the women are in charge. This is because many of the men labour and migrate constantly and HIV/AIDS is one of the major declines of the child care support systems. These conditions make it hard to live, 45 per cent of the population lives on just one dollar a day, that many of us help to support. This makes things hard for them to get the things they need most live expectancy of the people ranges from 40- 50 which when you think about it is a short time to live. But HIV/AIDS doesn't just effect the children with no family members, no blood relatives, no extended family members. No elders to care for them, they are lost and bereft in a cruel world, and no one seems to care. I know that if I was in this situation I would be scary to life, without anyone watching over me, to protect me from stuff.
You see the young children, and see that all of the children are without food. They are hungry and if you look closely then you will see that may more be hide

I will write more about this topic later on
talk to you soon.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I was recently up dated with new information on this to topic and I want to be able to share them with you.
Did you know that Africa is one of the poorest counties in the world this is because of the once beautiful land, a place to farm and grow crops quickly turned into a dry desert which made there living conditions unbearable. About 43 % of Africa's population goes with safe drinking water everyday. Only 57% go to school but don't finish it because problems with food and water they face prevents them from bettering themselves by getting an education. The sad thing is that in Africa woman are not considered people and the man have all power over the woman, this means that they have the right to decide what they wear, what they say and yes, who they marry. So because many of these men have power they choose when and how many children they have, because of this more problems are caused this problem increases the HIV/STD issue did you know that half a million woman and children under the age of 15 are donged and because of this issue children and young woman die every 15 seconds.

Another issue is the manual labor that the young children have to do everyday for a little or no money these are only some of the issues that many children and their parents face everyday, but their is hope I found a great organization that helps with labor it's called (ILO) International Labor Organization, this prohibits children from working in developing countries.

write a comment, or if you found some great organizations that help with any of these issues or other issues people in Africa face today and everyday.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

it's been a while since my last post, and I will hopefully will be able to write more and keep you updated with new up and coming information. The three main issues faced in Africa could be prevented with proper hygiene or appropriate treatment.

DID YOU KNOW that many children die from Measles, malaria and diarrhea many under the age of 10. Parents of theses young children also are effected by the many causes of death in this developing country-95% of the population have been diagnosed with HIV/STD AIDS. and six MILLION children die from hungry.

On top of problems with there home life they are unable to have the luxury of going to school- 134 million between the ages of 7 to 18 either don't have the money to afford school or the proper supplies in order to learn are not available.

Finally the last issue that Africa faces in exploitation if you unaware of what this means, it means that many of the young children are exposed to war at very early ages which may have a terrifying effect on their lives, and because of all the war this country faces they must provide for the people in the war instead of themselves.

I hope that by posting information through this blog I will be able to make people want to change the way they want the world to be and not the way it actually is. To open your eyes to new problems that others are facing and stop thinking of the little problems in our own life that seem to be big, but aren't really that bad.